Many Palestinians throughout the West Bank are at risk of forcible transfer due to a coercive environment generated by Israeli policies and practices, which create pressure on many residents to leave their communities. In the central West Bank, 46 Palestinian Bedouin/herding communities are considered to be at high-risk of forcible transfer due to a “relocation” plan advanced by the Israeli authorities in recent years.
In May 2017, OCHA carried out a vulnerability profiling exercise of these 46 communities, designed to measure vulnerabilities and quantify sectoral needs. Through key informant interviews, information was collected on a range of humanitarian indicators related to land and livelihoods, electricity and water, access to education and health services, shelter and infrastructure.
The Vulnerability Profile dashboard is an online tool designed to visualize the key findings of this comprehensive data set. In order to facilitate focus on sector-specific vulnerabilities and inform humanitarian and development programming, the findings are presented through charts on specific indicators under several thematic sections. Updated demographic figures are also available.