The Monthly Humanitarian Bulletin | January 2014

Up to 30,000 people whose employment is directly related to construction activities in the Gaza Strip may have lost their jobs since mid-2013 due to the restrictions on the import of construction materials. 160 people displaced due to demolitions in Bedouin communities located in “firing zones” along the Jordan Valley; temporary easing of access restrictions in another “firing zone” in southern Hebron. The Humanitarian Country Team for the oPt began implementing its 2014-2016 Strategic Response Plan (SRP), addressing the most urgent humanitarian and protection needs of 1.9 million vulnerable Palestinians in Gaza, Area C of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Seam Zone.

In this document

This month witnessed mixed developments affecting Bedouin and herding communities located in areas designated as closed military zones for training or “firing zones”, across Area C of the West Bank: on the one hand, the Israeli authorities declared a temporary lull in demolitions and an easing of access restrictions in one such area in southern Hebron (Massafer Yatta, or Firing Zone 918); on the other hand 160 people were forcibly displaced from other “firing zones” along the Jordan Valley.