Vulnerability Profile of Palestinian Communities in Area C

The Vulnerability Profile Project (VPP) is a tool designed to visualize/map humanitarian- indicators in an interactive-web based platform. The Vulnerability Profile includes information on a range of humanitarian indicators related to physical protection, access to land and livelihoods, water and sanitation, education and health, among others. The VPP visualization tool presents the most comprehensive collection of data on Area C available to the humanitarian community as well as to development actors. Primary data featured was collected through a field survey conducted by humanitarian partners and led by OCHA in Summer 2013. In addition, OCHA is integratgs indicators based on additional sources, such as baseline information from PA institutions and detailed cluster surveys, to guarantee that the platform continues to present current and reliable information on Area C.

Each dashboard consists of a number of visuals including a map of the West Bank with 532 dots marking the Palestinian residential areas located in Area C and charts representing specific indicators. On the right side of the dashboard, you will find geographical and thematic filters


Presents basic information on Palestinian residential communities located in Area C of the West Bank. This includes estimated number of residents, percentage of built-up area located in Area C, source of livelihood and type of community.

Presents baseline data on educational facilities and services serving Palestinian residents in Area C and obstacles affecting accessibility to education.

Presents data pertaining to the factors impeding access to land in Area C, such as settlement activities, the Barrier, closure obstacles, military bases, closed military areas, etc.

Presents baseline data on type and conditions of shelters existing in Area C.

Presents baseline data pertaining to obstacles impeding access to land and livelihood, connectivity to the water network, other sources of water and various other factors impeding access to water.

Presents information related to protection risks triggered by a wide-range of factors, including freedom of movement, confiscation and requisition of land, military operations and arrests, closed military zones, settler violence and demolitions, among others.

Presents baseline data on health services available to Palestinian residents in Area C and obstacles on accessibility to health care centers.

Presents data on Palestinian residential areas affected by settler violence, frequency and types of settler violence.

Presents baseline data on Water, Sanitatino and Hygiene


  • The dashboard components are inter-linked that enables users to extract data across multiple indicators. Choosing an option within a filter or within a chart will trigger a change across the dashboard visuals.
  • To get information on the residential area, hover over the corresponding point in the map. A profile card with basic information will appear and, depending on the theme of the dashboard, a customized profile card will appear.