2018 - 2020 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP)

Available Humanitarian Response Plans:

Of the 2.5 million people in need across the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT), 1.9 million people will be targeted for humanitarian assistance in 2018. The financial requirements to deliver this assistance in 2018 will be US$ 539.7 million.

The objective of humanitarian assistance in the OPT over the coming three-year period is to address the needs jointly identified by the humanitarian community in the 2018 HNO, by protecting the rights of Palestinians living under occupation, providing access to basic services for those who are vulnerable, and supporting the ability of Palestinians to cope with and overcome protracted crisis, while more sustainable solutions are sought.

In the context of a protracted protection crisis in the OPT, the humanitarian response strategy for the period 2018-2020 will aim to move beyond single year operational planning, and to adopt a longer term planning lens. The multi-year strategy strives to enhance linkages and synergies with other strategies for assistance to the Palestinian people, including development assistance, where appropriate within the framework of humanitarian principles, with the aim to progressively address the underlying vulnerabilities and root causes of humanitarian need in OPT.

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