Destruction in Nur Shams Refugee Camp in Tulkarm, 26 June 2024. Photo by the Resident Coordinator's Office
Destruction in Nur Shams Refugee Camp in Tulkarm, 26 June 2024. Photo by the Resident Coordinator's Office

Humanitarian Situation Update #183 | West Bank

The Humanitarian Situation Update is issued by OCHA Occupied Palestinian Territory three times per week. The Gaza Strip is covered on Mondays and Fridays, and the West Bank is covered on Wednesdays. The next update will be issued on 28 June.

Key Highlights

  • Settlement expansion continues to shrink the grazing space available for herding communities in Area C.
  • Israeli settlers injured eight Palestinians, including four in a Bedouin community in Jericho; 40 settler attacks in that community were documented so far in 2024 compared with two in 2023.
  • OHCHR condemns the tying of an injured Palestinian man to the hood of an Israeli military jeep while driving around Jenin, as shown in video footage.

Latest developments (after 24 June)

  • On 26 June at around noon, according to initial reports, demolitions in Umm al Kheir, south of Hebron, resulted in the displacement of about 38 people, most of them children. Demolished structures reportedly include a community shelter, a structure housing the community generator and three residential structures. The displaced families’ water tanks and solar panels were also damaged during the demolition incident. According to the community, there are at least 20 residential and other structures that have pending demolition orders against them, placing additional families at risk of displacement. In the afternoon, the Israeli military reportedly declared the area a closed military zone, confiscated a tent erected to temporarily house the displaced families, and arrested an activist.
  • On 26 June, the Humanitarian Coordinator for the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Muhannad Hadi, led a field visit to the West Bank to witness access and movement restrictions and settlement expansion that generate humanitarian needs. The mission, which was organized by OCHA and UNRWA, included a visit to Tulkarm city and its two adjacent refugee camps, Tulkarm and Nur Shams. Mr. Hadi listened to residents’ stories on the impact of the recurrent operations carried out by Israeli forces in the camps. The mission also visited farmers affected by the 712-kilometre-long West Bank Barrier.

Humanitarian Developments (18-24 June)

  • During the reporting period, Israeli forces shot and killed four Palestinians (see details below), including one child, and injured about 60 others across the West Bank. Most injuries occurred during search-and-arrest operations. In addition, on 22 June, a 12-year-old boy died of wounds sustained on 12 June from live ammunition fired by Israeli forces during a search-and-arrest operation in Al Bireh city. No confrontations were reported during that incident and medical teams reported being denied access to the child for half an hour.
    • On 18 June, Israeli forces shot and killed a 39-year-old Palestinian man for allegedly attempting to stab a member of Israeli forces at the entrance to Beit Fajjar town, Bethlehem. Palestinian medical teams were prevented from reaching the man and his body has been withheld by Israeli forces.
    • On 20 June, Israeli forces shot and killed a 15-year-old child when Palestinians threw stones at Israeli forces during a search-and-arrest operation in Qalqiliya city (Qalqiliya), reportedly following the theft of an Israeli vehicle.
    • On 21 June, Israeli forces shot and killed two Palestinians in Qalqiliya city. According to Qalqiliya municipality and an eyewitness, undercover Israeli forces in civilian vehicles followed a Palestinian car and opened fire at it, killing two Palestinians inside. Israeli forces then surrounded the vehicle, prevented access to the area, withheld the bodies of the two Palestinians and confiscated the vehicle. According to the Israeli military, the two Palestinians opened fire at their forces and were planning an attack; the military further stated that two pistols were seized from the scene.
  • According to Israeli media, at least one person believed to be Palestinian shot and killed one Israeli man in Qalqiliya city on 22 June. The incident is under investigation by the Israeli police. The Palestine Red Crescent Society (PRCS) attempted to treat the Israeli man’s injuries at the scene, before handing him over to Israeli forces. He was later pronounced dead. Following the incident, Israeli forces restricted movement in and around Qalqiliya and conducted search-and-arrest operations.
  • On 22 June, Israeli forces shot and injured four Palestinians and arrested three others during a search-and-arrest operation in Al Jabiriyat neighbourhood in Jenin city. No exchanges of fire or confrontations were reported at the time of the incident. PRCS reported that Israeli forces prevented their access to the casualties. Video footage from the incident shows an injured Palestinian tied to the hood of a military jeep while passing by two ambulances. According to a 23 June statement by the UN Human Rights Office (OHCHR), Israeli forces subsequently drove the man for about 200 metres before reportedly interrogating and releasing him and allowing him access to medical treatment. OHCHR condemned the incident as an example of “continued and flagrant violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law binding on Israel as the occupying Power.” The Israeli military cited in Israeli media stated that an exchange of fire ensued during a search-and-arrest operation and that the matter was being investigated.
  • Since 7 October and as of 24 June, 536 Palestinians, including 130 children, have been killed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem; these include 519 killed by Israeli forces, ten by Israeli settlers, and seven where it remains unknown whether the perpetrators were Israeli soldiers or settlers. In addition, over 5,370 Palestinians have been injured, including about 830 children. More than a third of the injuries were caused by live ammunition. During the same period, at least 12 Israelis, including seven soldiers and five settlers, were killed by Palestinians and at least 105 Israelis, including 70 soldiers, were injured in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Moreover, attacks by Palestinians from the West Bank in Israel resulted in the killing of eight Israelis as well as four of the Palestinian perpetrators.
  • During the reporting period, OCHA documented 18 attacks by Israeli settlers across the West Bank, resulting in the injury of eight Palestinians and damage to at least 100 trees and other property. The following are among the key settler incidents reported between 18 and 24 June:
    • During the reporting period, Israeli settlers perpetrated four attacks in Ras 'Ein al 'Auja Bedouin community, Jericho, during which four Palestinians, including three children, were injured and at least 11 sheep stolen. The community has experienced about 40 attacks since the beginning of 2024, as documented by OCHA, compared with two incidents for the whole of 2023.
    • On 18 June, Israeli settlers physically assaulted and injured two elderly Palestinians after stoning their vehicle on Al Mu’arrajat Road that connects Ramallah and Jericho governorates.
    • On 18 June, Israeli settlers dressed in military-like uniform vandalized a water well, cut off irrigation pipes, destroyed farming tools and vandalized 50 olive trees in Yasuf village, Salfit.
    • On 22 June, armed Israeli settlers from Ma'on settlement raided agricultural land in At Tuwani herding community in Masafer Yatta and destroyed 50 olive trees aged about 40 years. They destroyed part of the terraces and fences surrounding six dunams of agricultural land. Two days later, in the same governorate, a group of armed Israeli settlers from Mitzpe Yair outpost raided Manitqat Shi’b al Butum community during the night. Video footage shows the settlers stealing a donkey that belonged to a Palestinian family from the community.
    • On 23 June, Israeli settlers threw stones at a Palestinian family on their farming land near Beitar Illit settlement in Hebron, injuring an elderly woman. The settlers then stole the family’s tractor. This was the first time the family had permission to access their land since 7 October due to restrictions imposed by Israeli forces.
    • On 24 June, Israeli settlers attacked and injured a Palestinian elderly man in Al Jwaya herding community south of Yatta (Hebron). According to the family, a masked settler with his flock of sheep approached the Palestinian man while he was shepherding with his family near their home and started grazing the land. Other settlers in military-like uniform were observing from a distance, the family added. When the family protested the settler’s sheep grazing the land, the settler initially attacked the elderly man with a knife and then hit him with a bat and stones. An ambulance arrived at the scene after about 30 minutes and transported the injured man to a hospital.
  • Since 7 October, OCHA has recorded 1,018 attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians, of which 105 led to Palestinian fatalities and injuries, 800 to damage to Palestinian property and 113 have led to both casualty and damage to property. As a result, over 44,260 Palestinian-owned trees and saplings have been destroyed by Israeli settlers.
  • On 20 June, the Israeli civil administration, including members of the Archaeology Unit, handed over six evacuation orders to all the six families in the Bedouin community of Barriyet Hizma to the west of Hizma village in Jerusalem governorate, citing concerns related to the destruction of antiquities. As a result, an estimated 30 people are at risk of displacement. Community sources report that, since the beginning of the year, they have been repeatedly subjected to attacks by Israeli settlers believed to be from a newly established settlement outpost in the area. Since 1 January 2024, OCHA has documented seven settler attacks in the community, resulting in the injury of two Palestinians and damage to nine structures.
  • On 23 June, Israeli authorities demolished six structures for lacking Israeli-issued permits in Area C of Jericho governorate, including four inhabited residential structures, one under-construction house, and one pool. The demolitions took place in ‘Ein ad Dyuk at Tahta, Isteih area of Jericho city, and Aqbat Jaber Refugee Camp. As a result, three households comprising 12 people, including six children, were displaced and three households comprising 14 people, including two children, were otherwise affected. Between 7 October and 24 June, Israeli authorities demolished, confiscated or forced the demolition of 1,013 Palestinian structures in East Jerusalem and Area C, of which 37 per cent (377 structures) were inhabited homes. As a result, 2,246 people, including 991 children, were displaced. Over half of those displaced (1,149) were during military operations, particularly in Jenin and Tulkarm cities and the surrounding refugee camps; 42 per cent (938 people) were due to the lack of permit; and 7 per cent (159) were displaced by punitive demolitions.


  • As of 25 June, Member States have disbursed about US$1.19 billion out of $3.42 billion (35 per cent) requested to meet the most critical needs of 2.3 million people in Gaza and 800,000 people in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, between January and December 2024. For funding analysis, please see the Flash Appeal Financial Tracking dashboard.
  • The oPt HF has 109 ongoing projects, for a total of $78.9 million, addressing urgent needs in the Gaza Strip (86 per cent) and West Bank (14 per cent). Of these projects, 69 projects are being implemented by international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), 26 by national NGOs and 14 by UN agencies. Notably, 43 out of the 83 projects implemented by INGOs or the UN are being implemented with national NGOs. Since 7 October, the oPt HF has mobilized over $100 million from Member States and private donors, designated for programmes throughout Gaza. A summary of the oPt HF activities and challenges in May 2024 is available through this link and the 2023 Annual Report of the oPt HF can be accessed here. Private donations are collected directly through the Humanitarian Fund.