How Humanitarian Aid is Funded

In the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt), OCHA works with humanitarian partners through the cluster system to identify the most critical needs, plan responses and determine the budgets needed. Results of this work include the Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) – as a part of the Humanitarian Programme Cycle.

To secure funding for the HRP, the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC) and the Humanitarian Country Team engage with donors, locally and globally. In doing so, they are supported by OCHA, which monitors funding levels, and helps advocate for critical funding priorities. Accurate and timely reporting on humanitarian funding by all partners and donors to the Financial Tracking System (FTS) is key to enable this work.

For previous editions of the monthly Humanitarian Funding Update, click here. HRP data is also available through our set of interactive charts and through the oPt FTS.

Humanitarian financing instruments

  • The oPt Humanitarian Fund (oPt HF) is managed by OCHA oPt on behalf of the HC, under strategic guidance of an Advisory Board. Funding from the oPt HF is available to UN agencies as well as national and international NGOs. It also supports the delivery of strategic humanitarian response identified under the HRP through standard allocations, while retaining the flexibility to allocate funds to unforeseen events or special requirements through reserve allocations, following an inclusive and transparent process.
  • The Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) is a UN instrument managed by OCHA at the global level. CERF allocations are available to UN agencies through a rapid response grant, or through the underfunded emergencies window twice a year.

OCHA’s global role in humanitarian financing

Globally, OCHA works to mobilize humanitarian funding through the full range of humanitarian financing instruments, mechanisms and partners, to ensure that growing humanitarian needs worldwide are met, that humanitarian leadership and coordination mechanisms are promoted at the country level, and that humanitarian financing mechanisms are complementary among themselves and coherent with development funding. Click here for more information.