The humanitarian community in the occupied Palestinian territory (OPT) has developed a strategic plan for the OPT every year since 2003. The current Humanitarian Response Plan covers 2023 and focuses on addressing needs identified in the Humanitarian Needs Overview, in Area C, Hebron H2 and East Jerusalem in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.
Developed amid a rise in the severity of needs and increasing challenges to the work of humanitarian actors, the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan focuses on three strategic priorities:
The rights of Palestinians living under occupation, including those living under the blockade and other restrictions, are protected, respected and promoted in accordance with IHL and IHRL, while duty-bearers are increasingly held to account
The basic needs of vulnerable Palestinians living under occupation are met through the provision of quality basic services and improved access to resources, in accordance with the rights of protected persons under IHL
The capacity of vulnerable Palestinians to cope with and overcome protracted crisis, including from environmental threats, is supported, while solutions to violations and other root causes of threats and shocks are pursued
The humanitarian context of the OPT is unique amongst today’s crises and remains directly tied to the impact of the occupation, which marked its 55th year in June 2012.
The humanitarian community has identified 2.1 million Palestinians as being in need for support. Through this plan, it aims to target 1.6 million of them, based on the maximum number of vulnerable people who can realistically be reached given highly-restricted capabilities in the current political and resource climate.